Basic Life Skills Training
Topical Programme  
Relieving Emotional Stress Click here to open Relieving Emotional Stress
Learning Objective:

Understanding the impact of stress on physical and mental health, and mastering evidence-based stress reduction methods and effective preventive measures against stress.


  1. Understand the impact of stress on physical and mental health.

  2. Learn evidence-based stress reduction method (on-site practice).

  3. Effective methods for preventing stress.

  4. Introduce relevant community resources.

Understanding Teenagers – Their Minds and Hearts Click here to open Understanding Teenagers – Their Minds and Hearts
Learning Objective:

Understand the changes during adolescence and the challenges commonly faced by teenagers. Recognise their psychological needs and how to give them support.


  1. Understanding the changes of teenagers during puberty.

  2. Introduce the challenges commonly faced by teenager.

  3. Understand the psychological needs of teenagers.

  4. Learn how to support their children.

  5. Introduce relevant community resources.

Enduring the Storm Together: Understanding and Preventing Youth Suicide Click here to open Enduring the Storm Together: Understanding and Preventing Youth Suicide
Learning Objective:

Raise awareness of the risk of youth suicide and understand how to provide care and handle the situation.


  1. Understand teenage suicidal behaviour.

  2. Risk and protective factors of suicidal behaviours.

  3. Warning signs before suicide.

  4. How parents can provide care and handle the crisis of suicide of their children.

  5. Introduce relevant community resources.

Teenage Drug Abuse and Its Harmful Effects Click here to open Teenage Drug Abuse and Its Harmful Effects
Learning Objective:

Understand the reasons for, prevention and handling of drug abuse in young people.

Core message:

  1. The problem of drug abuse among teenagers is becoming increasingly serious and cannot be ignored.

  2. Effective prevention of drug abuse in children requires good communication between parents and children.

  3. Parents should be attentive to their children’s daily items, language and personal behaviours to identify any signs of drug abuse.

  4. When parents find signs of their children abusing drugs, they should first manage their own emotions and address the problem. They should then listen patiently to their children’s innermost thoughts, encourage and accompany them in seeking professional assistance.

Adapting to Secondary School: Helping Your Teenage Children Navigate Psychological and Social Challenges Click here to open Adapting to Secondary School: Helping Your Teenage Children Navigate Psychological and Social Challenges
Learning Objective:

Understand the common psychological and social changes that teenagers face during the transition to secondary school, and the method to help them adapt.

Target audience:

Parents of F.1 students

Core message:

  1. Learn how to gradually cultivate your children’s independence and adaptability.

  2. Parents should avoid proactively intervening or solving problems for their children.

  3. Learn to understand your children’s need and provide constant support.

Adapting to Secondary School: Helping Your Teenage Children Navigate Psychological and Social Challenges picture

Teaching Healthy Financial Habits to Teenagers: Exploring Common Problems and Solutions Click here to open Teaching Healthy Financial Habits to Teenagers: Exploring Common Problems and Solutions
Learning Objective:

Understand the influence of internet trends on teenagers’ use of money, and how parents can enhance their children’s financial management in daily life.


  1. Understand the financial management of the new generation.

  2. “I know I don’t need it, but I really want it” – The psychology of teenagers in spending.

  3. The impact of internet trends on teenager’s use of money

  4. How to enhance children’s ability to make wise financial decisions.

  5. Introduce relevant community resources.

Teaching Healthy Financial Habits to Teenagers: Exploring Common Problems and Solutions picture

Healthy Online Habits for Teenagers: Understand the Impact of Excessive Internet Use Click here to open Healthy Online Habits for Teenagers: Understand the Impact of Excessive Internet Use
Learning Objective:

Recognise the symptoms, causes, and prevention of internet addiction, and learn how to guide children in using the internet in a healthy way.


  1. Understand internet addiction in teenagers.

  2. Recognise the causes and warning signs of internet addiction.

  3. Explore how to guide children in using the internet in a healthy way.

  4. Introduce relevant community resources.

Healthy Online Habits for Teenagers: Understand the Impact of Excessive Internet Use picture

Love, Dating and Parenting: How to build a Supportive Relationship with Teenage Children concerning Love Issues Click here to open Love, Dating and Parenting: How to build a Supportive Relationship with Teenage Children concerning Love Issues
Learning Objective:

Understand the perspectives and common problems teenagers face in relationships, as well as the considerations parents should have when discussing the topic of romantic relationships with their children.


  1. Understand how teenagers think about love and dating.

  2. Recognise common problems teenagers face in romantic relationships.

  3. What to consider when discussing love and dating.

  4. Introduce relevant community resources.

Love, Dating and Parenting: How to build a Supportive Relationship with Teenage Children concerning Love Issues picture

Dealing with Parent-Adolescent Conflicts: Causes, Impacts and Approaches Click here to open Dealing with Parent-Adolescent Conflicts: Causes, Impacts and Approaches
Learning Objective:

Understand the common reasons for conflict between parents and teenage children, and using case scenarios to improve parents’ ability to handle conflicts with their children.


  1. Understand the common reasons for conflict between parents and teenage children.

  2. Common response patterns and consequences that often occur during conflicts.

  3. Effective ways to handle conflicts with teenage children.

  4. Discuss scenarios about how to handle conflicts with teenage children.

  5. Introduce relevant community resources.

Parental Involvement in Children’s Learning: Addressing Problem and Motivating Success Click here to open Parental Involvement in Children’s Learning: Addressing Problem and Motivating Success
Learning objective:

Understand the factors that affect children’s learning motivation and how to give support to their learning

Core message:

  1. Understand what learning motivation is.

  2. Recognise what factors affect children’s learning motivation.

  3. How to set appropriate goals according to children’s abilities.

  4. How to give support to their learning at school.

  5. Introduce relevant community resources.

Building Resilience in Teenagers: Techniques for Parents Click here to open Building Resilience in Teenagers: Techniques for Parents
Learning Objective:

Understand the technique for building teenagers’ resilience.


  1. Understand the importance of resilience.

  2. Recognise common adversities faced by teenagers.

  3. How to effectively build teenagers’ resilience.

  4. How to provide support to children during adversity.

  5. Introduce relevant community resources.
